Course Description
Please add DNTL-DENT0197 - 001 Fees Selection (MUST SELECT THIS OPTION) to your cart to pay the course fees.
Next step: click on "Keep shopping" to select your choice of morning and/or afternoon sessions and add them to your cart.
Full day event:
6.0 CE Hours | Regular Fees: $490 Dentists; $240 ADHP | Early Bird Fees: $440 Dentists; $190 ADHP (Applicable until March 1, 2025).
Half day event:
3.0 CE Hours | Regular Fees: $345 Dentists; $170 ADHP | Early Bird Fees: $310 Dentists; $130 ADHP (Applicable until March 1, 2025).
Morning Session: 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM (DNTL-DENT0197-002&003)
Title: Recognize & address non-financial barriers to oral healthcare for vulnerable populations
Instructor: Heather Doucette, DipDH, BSc, MEd
Method: Lecture In-person OR Online
Afternoon Session: 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM (DNTL-DENT0197-004&005)
Title: Classification of periodontal & peri-implant diseases & conditions - daily practice
Instructors: Dr. Zeeshan Sheikh, Dip.Dh, BDS, MSc, M.Perio, PhD, FRCDC, Dip-ABP
Method: Lecture In-person OR Online
To view the Oral Health Discussions course poster, please click here.
You can choose to pay the full day fee and register in two sessions (AM and PM), or pay the half day fee and register in one of the sessions (AM or PM).
We offer a 10% discount for a group registration of 5 to 10 participants from the same office and 15% for more than 10. Please contact, if you wish to perform a group registration.
- Once you are ready to check out, you might be required to create a user profile.
- During the user profile setup, you will be asked to enter your social insurance number (SIN). You are not required to enter your SIN for the purpose of this event. Please check the appropriate box to opt out.
- If you have any questions email