
Course Description

Please add DNTL-DENT0197 - 001 Fees Selection (MUST SELECT THIS OPTION) to your cart to pay the course fees.
Next step: click on "Keep shopping" to select your choice of morning and/or afternoon sessions and add them to your cart.

Full day event:
6.0 CE Hours | Regular Fees: $490 Dentists; $240 ADHP | Early Bird Fees: $440 Dentists; $190 ADHP (Applicable until March 1, 2025).

Half day event:
3.0 CE Hours | Regular Fees: $345 Dentists; $170 ADHP | Early Bird Fees: $310 Dentists; $130 ADHP (Applicable until March 1, 2025).

Morning Session: 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM (DNTL-DENT0197-002&003)
Title: Recognize & address non-financial barriers to oral healthcare for vulnerable populations
Instructor: Heather Doucette, DipDH, BSc, MEd
Method: Lecture In-person OR Online

Afternoon Session: 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM (DNTL-DENT0197-004&005)
Title: Classification of periodontal & peri-implant diseases & conditions - daily practice
Instructors: Dr. Zeeshan Sheikh, Dip.Dh, BDS, MSc, M.Perio, PhD, FRCDC, Dip-ABP 
Method: Lecture In-person OR Online

To view the Oral Health Discussions course poster, please click here.

You can choose to pay the full day fee and register in two sessions (AM and PM), or pay the half day fee and register in one of the sessions (AM or PM). 

We offer a 10% discount for a group registration of 5 to 10 participants from the same office and 15% for more than 10. Please contact cde.dentistry@dal.ca, if you wish to perform a group registration.


IMPORTANT, please read - Registration instructions
  • Once you are ready to check out, you might be required to create a user profile.
  • During the user profile setup, you will be asked to enter your social insurance number (SIN). You are not required to enter your SIN for the purpose of this event. Please check the appropriate box to opt out.
  • If you have any questions email cde.dentistry@dal.ca.
Enrol Now - Select a section to enrol in
Section Title
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
EB DDS CE Full Day non-credit $440.00
EB DDS CE Half Day non-credit $310.00
EB DH,DA and ADHP CE Full Day non-credit $190.00
EB DH,DA and ADHP CE Half Day non-credit $130.00
Section Notes

Please add this section to your cart to pay the Oral Health Discussions registration fees.

Section Title
Recognize & address non-financial barriers to oral healthcare (In-Person)
Class - Face-to-Face
8:30AM to 11:30AM
Mar 22, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $0.00
Section Notes
Recognizing and addressing non-financial barriers to oral healthcare for vulnerable populations (IN-PERSON)

AM session: Please choose this section if you are planning to attend the course in-person

The recent implementation of the Canadian Dental Care Plan is meant to provide financial support for specific individuals and populations who require oral healthcare. However, literature indicates there are many non-financial barriers to oral healthcare, especially for vulnerable populations, that contribute to poor oral health and oral health disparities. This course will explore how various structural and social determinants of health, such as language, gender, and culture, impact access to oral healthcare. Participants will gain knowledge that will allow them to recognize and develop strategies to overcome barriers to care, thereby increasing oral healthcare access and decreasing oral health disparities.

At the end of this course, participants will:

  • Recognize structural and social determinants of health.
  • Understand how structural and social determinants of health impact access to oral healthcare.
  • Develop strategies to minimize non-financial barriers to oral healthcare.
  • Increase their ability to provide culturally sensitive care to vulnerable populations.
Section Title
Recognize & address non-financial barriers to oral healthcare (Online)
Webinar - Live
8:30AM to 11:30AM
Mar 22, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $0.00
Section Notes
Recognizing and addressing non-financial barriers to oral healthcare for vulnerable populations (ONLINE)

AM session: Please choose this section if you are planning to attend the course online

The recent implementation of the Canadian Dental Care Plan is meant to provide financial support for specific individuals and populations who require oral healthcare. However, literature indicates there are many non-financial barriers to oral healthcare, especially for vulnerable populations, that contribute to poor oral health and oral health disparities. This course will explore how various structural and social determinants of health, such as language, gender, and culture, impact access to oral healthcare. Participants will gain knowledge that will allow them to recognize and develop strategies to overcome barriers to care, thereby increasing oral healthcare access and decreasing oral health disparities.

At the end of this course, participants will:

  • Recognize structural and social determinants of health.
  • Understand how structural and social determinants of health impact access to oral healthcare.
  • Develop strategies to minimize non-financial barriers to oral healthcare.
  • Increase their ability to provide culturally sensitive care to vulnerable populations.
Section Title
Classification of periodontal & peri-implant diseases & conditions (In-Person)
Class - Face-to-Face
12:30PM to 3:30PM
Mar 22, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $0.00
Section Notes
Deciphering the classification of periodontal and peri-Implant diseases and conditions and how to use it in your daily practice. (IN-PERSON)

PM session: Please choose this section if you are planning to attend the course in-person

A classification system for periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions is essential for dental clinicians to accurately diagnose and treat their patients. It is vital for dental professionals to thoroughly understand how to apply this new system to ensure precise diagnoses, which will directly inform effective treatment plans. Dr. Zeeshan Sheikh will break down and simplify the complexities of this classification system, helping course participants implement and apply the new protocol in their clinical practice to elevate their approach to periodontal care.

At the end of this course, participants will:

  • Gain a solid understanding of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions.
  • Develop a structured approach to applying this new classification system in the care of everyday patients.
  • Learn the methodology for evaluating new patients and diagnosing them based on the changes introduced in the updated classification system.
  • Practice applying the classification system to selected test cases during the course to identify any potential shortcomings and clarify any uncertainties.
Section Title
Classification of periodontal & peri-implant diseases & conditions (Online)
Webinar - Live
12:30PM to 3:30PM
Mar 22, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $0.00
Section Notes
Deciphering the classification of periodontal and peri-Implant diseases and conditions and how to use it in your daily practice. (ONLINE)

PM session: Please choose this section if you are planning to attend the course online

A classification system for periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions is essential for dental clinicians to accurately diagnose and treat their patients. It is vital for dental professionals to thoroughly understand how to apply this new system to ensure precise diagnoses, which will directly inform effective treatment plans. Dr. Zeeshan Sheikh will break down and simplify the complexities of this classification system, helping course participants implement and apply the new protocol in their clinical practice to elevate their approach to periodontal care.

At the end of this course, participants will:

  • Gain a solid understanding of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions.
  • Develop a structured approach to applying this new classification system in the care of everyday patients.
  • Learn the methodology for evaluating new patients and diagnosing them based on the changes introduced in the updated classification system.
  • Practice applying the classification system to selected test cases during the course to identify any potential shortcomings and clarify any uncertainties.
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