5 Courses Required

This fully online certificate requires the successful completion of five core courses within three years of enrollment. 

Student affairs professionals in higher education settings are responsible for enhancing the student experience, which they do through comprehensive programming ranging from campus life initiatives to academic, cultural, and financial support programs. The Student Affairs Program Assessment Certificate provides learners with the knowledge, skills, tools, and strategies needed to accurately determine how successful these programs are in achieving their desired outcomes. Drawing on contemporary research and practice, industry expertise, and a mix of live and self-paced material, participants can expect an engaging learning experience that positions them for effective program assessment in college and university student services contexts.

What You Will Learn?

  • Understanding of Assessment Principles: Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of assessment theories, principles, and frameworks relevant to student affairs, including the importance of alignment with institutional missions and goals. 
  • Research Methodologies: Students will learn about various research methodologies and data collection techniques commonly used in student affairs assessment, such as surveys, focus groups, interviews, and document analysis. 
  • Data Analysis Skills: Students will develop proficiency in analyzing assessment data using both quantitative and qualitative methods, including statistical analysis, coding, and thematic analysis. 
  • Program Evaluation: Students will acquire the skills necessary to design and conduct program evaluations, including establishing evaluation criteria, developing assessment instruments, and interpreting evaluation results, with ethical considerations, including issues of confidentiality, privacy, bias, and fairness. 
  • Utilization of Assessment Results: Students will understand how to use assessment results to inform decision-making, improve programs and services, and enhance student learning and development.
  • Effective Communication of Assessment Results: Students will learn how to engaging partners in the assessment process, and effectively communicate assessment findings to various stakeholders, including administrators, faculty, staff, students, and external partners, using clear and compelling formats and language.  

Who Should Take This Certificate?

This certificate is designed for, but not limited to, professionals working in the field of student affairs.

How Will You Benefit?

This certificate supports in-service professionals across Canada and opens the door to student affairs-related work in higher education settings.


Each course in the certificate is five (5) weeks in length and consists of 20 learning hours, including 10 hours of live sessions. Learners can expect to spend approximately four (4) hours per week on their studies.

Click on each course name for more details and specific learning outcomes:

Please note: Courses fill up quickly, and registration in one course does not guarantee your spot in another.  You must register for each course individually to reserve your spot.

Fees & Schedule

The fee for each course is $900. Please note that textbooks are not included.

This online certificate consists of five courses. Live online sessions are Tuesdays, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Atlantic Standard Time (AST).

Note: Your registration is not guaranteed until your seat is confirmed and you have been contacted by our Registration Office. As well, fees are based on the current academic year and are subject to change. No deferral of the non-refundable deposit or program fees is allowed. Text and materials related to courses may constitute an additional cost.

Certificate Requirements

It is highly recommended that participants complete the five courses in sequential order. The certificate is awarded after the completion of all five courses, including all quizzes, assignments, and exams. This represents approximately 100 hours of training including online sessions, home study, assignments, and capstone project. The participants must keep 80% attendance and attain a minimum of 65% for each module and an aggregate average of at least 75% in the program.

For assistance or more information, please contact openlearning@dal.ca.

Recognition of Prior Learning

It may be possible to receive advanced standing in this certificate based on your prior learning from work or life experience. We provide two types of recognition of prior learning:

  • Prior Certified Learning: Assessment of prior coursework or training through a provider, that is neither a university or college, for the purpose of advanced standing. Examples of certified learning may include military courses, accredited certificates, workplace training programs, etc.
  • Prior Experiential Learning: Assessment of previous work and life learning that may be equivalent to learning outcomes of university courses / programs, for the purpose of advanced standing. Relevant prior learning may come from work or volunteer experience, participation on committees or boards, independent study, etc.

To discuss how to use your prior learning to apply for advanced standing, please contact rpl@dal.ca.

Additional Details


Courses in this certificate stream must be taken in order.
Minimum Required

5 Course(s)

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