
Course Description

ACDE Live Webinar Series: Elevating Continuing Dental Education


Embark on a transformative journey with Dalhousie’s Faculty of Dentistry, Professional Dental Education in the offering of the Association for Continuing Dental Education (ACDE) "ACDE Live Webinar Series". It is a collaborative initiative by ACDE Member Schools (AMS) to advance the realm of continuing dental education. ACDE, along with 35 of its member schools, is jointly providing this series of live webinars, showcasing university-based key opinion leaders.


The ACDE unites individuals from college- and university-based continuing dental education programs, fostering a collective mission to create leadership opportunities, encourage collaboration, and support the development of university-based continuing dental education professionals. Our overarching purpose is to champion the highest standards of continuing dental education.


Dedicated to leadership, collaboration, and professional development, ACDE strives to be the beacon for university-based continuing dental education professionals. Our mission is to elevate the quality of continuing dental education, setting the stage for excellence in oral health care.


ACDE envisions itself as the foremost advocate and the benchmark for high-quality, evidence-based continuing dental education. Our vision encompasses the promotion of excellence in oral health care through innovative, exceptional programming.


  • Lifelong Learning: Commitment to continuous education for our members and the broader professional communities we serve.
  • Excellence: Ensuring top-notch planning, organization, and presentation of high-quality, innovative educational programs.
  • Professionalism: Fostering a culture of support, networking, mentoring, and respect for diversity in all interactions.
  • Integrity: Upholding honest, cooperative working relationships and evidence-based programming that remains non-commercial.

Join us in this unique webinar series, where ACDE and its 35 member schools unite to bring you live webinars featuring university-based key opinion leaders. Experience the ACDE difference – where excellence in dental education is not just a goal but a shared commitment. Elevate your practice, advance your career, and shape the future of dental education with the ACDE Live Webinar Series.


Please browse the sections for the full list of ACDE webinars for the year 2025.

Important notice: Webinars are offered live only, they are not recorded and therefore, are not available after the presentation date

Recommended For

Dentistry professionals interested in furthering their learning at a time that meets their needs.

Enrol Now - Select a section to enrol in
Section Title
Restoration of endontically treated teeth
Webinar - Live
12:00PM to 1:30PM
Mar 14, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $75.00
Section Notes

Restoration of endontically treated teeth - What is the best available clinically relevant evidence?

Guidelines for restoring endontically treated teeth are well established; nevertheless the principles behind these guidelines were developed decades ago primarily from in vitro studies or retrospective studies of metallic posts cemented with conventional cements. New materials and techniques have been introduced for the restoration of pulpless teeth, and there are additional clinical studies in the literature, not only on traditional materials and methods but also on the more novel materials. This presentation will critically review the latest available evidence on restoring pulpless teeth and suggest practical guidelines for the clinician.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Be familiar with the literature supporting traditional recommendations for restoring pulpless teeth.
  • Be familiar with the most recent literature related to newer materials and techniques used in the restoration of pulpless teeth.
  • Have a clear understanding of the advantages, disadvantages, indications and contraindications of materials and techniques for the restoration of pulpless teeth.
  • Apply material learned in the presentation to daily clinical practice.
Section Title
Evidence based practice guidelines for dental treatment of medically complex patients
Webinar - Live
9:00PM to 11:00PM
Mar 25, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $99.00
Section Notes

The importance of evidence based practice guidelines for dental treatment of medically complex patients

This seminar focuses on treatment concepts and modalities for medically complex patients particularly with hemodynamically unstable conditions like cardiac and valvular diseases, hematological disorders, patients on cancer therapy as well as uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension.
Current available guidelines for dental treatment of such conditions in a safe environment reducing post operative complications will also be discussed. In addition, the focus on preventive modalities in general and particularly for such patients so that dental disease is prevented by adequate home care will be covered.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Comprehend safe dental practice for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Relate the risk and benefit ratio of dental treatment for particular medical condition.
  • Balance the implications of dental treatment outcomes with the concerning medical condition.
  • Appraise with the evidence-based practice guidelines for various common medical complexities and their effect on dental treatment outcomes.
Section Title
Fundamentals of tooth preparation in operative dentistry: Outline form to caries removal
Webinar - Live
3:00PM to 5:00PM
Mar 30, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $99.00
Section Notes

Fundamentals of tooth preparation in operative dentistry: from outline form to caries removal

This 2-hour course offers a comprehensive understanding of direct restorative management in dentistry, focusing on the essential principles and steps involved in cavity preparation in operative dentistry. The aim is to equip dentists with the knowledge and skills required for effective cavity preparation and caries removal.
This course provides a structured and detailed overview of the step-by-step process of tooth preparation. Dentists will explore the essential principles for establishing proper outline form and initial depth, and learn how to effectively incorporate retention, resistance, and convenience form into the tooth preparation. Through this course, participants gain proficiency in pulp protection and master the techniques for caries removal, with a special emphasis on selective caries removal and how to approach it in various clinical scenarios.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Describe the aim of restorative management in dentistry.
  • Describe different steps in tooth preparation.
  • Know principles and features of establishing proper outline form and initial depth, retention and resistance from, convenience form and pulp protection.
  • Know how to remove caries and different strategies in selective caries removal.
Section Title
Current trends in digital dentistry
Webinar - Live
12:00PM to 2:00PM
Apr 04, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $99.00
Section Notes

Current trends in digital dentistry

This course outlines evidence-based possibilities and provides an applicable understanding of the different digital clinical workflows in a ready-to-use format so you can hit the ground running when you return to practice. This program is designed for dentists, hygienists, and dental technicians—regardless of their prior knowledge of digital technologies—who are interested in enhancing their understanding and acquiring evidence-based protocols for digital workflows, from data acquisition to the subtractive or additive manufacturing of devices and restorations.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • List the steps of a comprehensive digital workflows for smile design.
  • Explain the implementation of current digital technologies used in esthetics and implants in clinical and laboratory settings.
  • Discuss current intraoral digital impression capabilities and integration with 3D printing/milling in interdisciplinary complex cases.
  • Compare current materials and their clinical indication and limitations.
Section Title
Evidence based practice guidelines for dental treatment of medically complex patients
Webinar - Live
9:00PM to 11:00PM
Apr 09, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $99.00
Section Notes

3D modeling essentials and customization for dental professionals

The course aims to teach the fundamentals of 3D modeling and progress to advanced applications, demonstrating how a solid understanding of the basics can be adapted to various clinical situations. Basic 3D elements covered include mesh density, group functions, clay modeling, and file output options. Advanced elements focus on dental applications, such as customizing outputs from dental software. The primary teaching tool will be Meshmixer by Autodesk, Exocad, Blue Sky Plan 4 and Trios Unite.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Understand Basic 3D Modeling Concepts: Learn the foundational elements of 3D modeling, including mesh density, group functions, clay modeling, and file output options.
  • Apply 3D Modeling in Clinical Dentistry: Demonstrate how to adapt basic 3D modeling skills to various clinical situations.
  • Utilize Advanced 3D Dental Applications: Explore advanced 3D modeling techniques specific to dental applications, such as customizing outputs from dental software.
  • Develop Problem-Solving Skills: Enhance the ability to troubleshoot and solve complex problems using 3D modeling techniques in clinical dentistry.
Section Title
Advancing endodontic success by mastering root canal irrigation techniques
Webinar - Live
4:00PM to 5:30PM
Apr 12, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $75.00
Section Notes

Advancing endodontic success by mastering root canal irrigation techniques

Root canal therapy's success hinges on three critical steps: proper instrumentation, effective irrigation, and thorough obturation. Of these, irrigation plays the most pivotal role in ensuring the healing of periapical tissues. During endodontic disinfection, the clinician faces many limiting factors such as complex root canal anatomy, untouched dentin walls left during mechanical instrumentation, and bacterial load in the forms of biofilm attached to dentin walls and in the isthmus. This course will discuss the importance of traditional and newer root canal irrigants with evidence-based irrigation protocols required to accomplish the debridement of the root canal system, which is essential for the predictable success of endodontic cases. By the end of this course, the participants will be equipped with the knowledge to implement advanced irrigation techniques, and protocols ensuring predictable and successful clinical outcomes.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Understand the critical role of irrigation in root canal therapy.
  • Evaluate between traditional and newer irrigants.
  • Implement evidence-based irrigation protocols.
Section Title
Team approach to the care of patients with cleft lip and palate
Webinar - Live
12:00PM to 1:30PM
Apr 25, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $75.00
Section Notes

Team approach to the care of patients with cleft lip and palate

Patients born with cleft and craniofacial differences require multidisciplinary care throughout their lifetimes. This course will provide a general overview of the various dental, medical, surgical, psychological and developmental needs of these patients with an emphasis on pediatric dentistry, orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Understand the basic embryology and pathophysiology of clefting.
  • Understand the dental and medical needs of the cleft child from birth to adulthood.
  • Understand why comprehensive care by a cleft team approved by the American Cleft Palate/Craniofacial Association is important to the health of the patient with a facial difference.
  • Be able to identify and properly refer a patient with an undiagnosed or untreated facial difference.
Section Title
The opioid epidemic and dentistry
Webinar - Live
9:00PM to 10:30PM
Apr 29, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $75.00
Section Notes

The opioid epidemic and dentistry

Prescription opioids, heroin and fentanyl use is increasing in the United States along with addiction overdose and death. More people died of drug addiction in the United States in recent years than ever before. Nearly half of all opioid overdose deaths involve a prescription opioid. This course reviews the history of the opioid epidemic while also looking at dentistry's role in the opioid epidemic. Management of acute and postoperative pain will be discussed along with safe prescribing techniques to avoid abuse and diversion.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Recognize dentistry's role in the opioid epidemic.
  • Understand ways to better manage acute and postoperative dental pain.
  • Adopt prescribing techniques to avoid abuse and diversion of controlled substances.
Section Title
Impacts of technological evolution on the pillars of endodontic success
Webinar - Live
12:00PM to 1:30PM
May 02, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $75.00
Section Notes

Impacts of technological evolution on the pillars of endodontic success - A critical analysis based on scientific evidence

The main objective of the lecture is to propose an evidenced-based reflection on the impacts of technological evolution on the pillars of endodontic success. For that, the following points will be addressed:

  • Basic concepts of Endodontics, including basic definitions of endodontic success.
  • Pillars of endodontic success.
  • Technology versus endodontic prognosis.
  • Critical analysis concerning endodontic success.
At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Report the main objectives of Endodontics.
  • Describe the pillars of endodontic success.
  • Make an evidence-based reflection on the impacts of technological evolution on the pillars of endodontic success through clinical analysis of high-impact papers published and relevant clinical cases related to each matter to be addressed.
Section Title
Enhance your HPV communication confidence applying brief motivational interviewing
Webinar - Live
9:00PM to 11:00PM
May 06, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $99.00
Section Notes

Enhance your HPV communication confidence applying brief motivational interviewing

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection, causing 70% of all oropharyngeal cancers (OPC). A safe, effective vaccine against oncogenic HPV types is available; however, uptake of the vaccine in the United States has been slow. Provider communication has been identified as one of the most influential facilitators of vaccine uptake. Reported barriers to discussing HPV with patients is a lack of knowledge and confidence in discussing this sensitive topic. Brief-Motivational Interviewing (brief-MI) is a collaborative patient-centered counseling approach to support a positive behavior change and has been investigated as an effective communication approach for HPV counseling. This presentation will provide general HPV information, the role of HPV in OPC, HPV vaccination facts and brief-MI training for HPV OPC prevention.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Discuss the epidemiology of HPV and OPC.
  • Discuss the role of vaccination in prevention of oropharyngeal cancer.
  • Define motivational interviewing, the “Spirit of MI”, and brief-MI strategies and rules.
  • Apply elicit-provide-elicit for HPV and HPV vaccine communication.
  • Identify ways to apply brief-MI as a communication method for HPV conversations in your practice or teachings
Section Title
Oropharyngeal cancer: Why it matters!
Webinar - Live
12:00PM to 1:30PM
May 09, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $75.00
Section Notes

Oropharyngeal cancer: Why it matters!

This course provides a comprehensive overview of oropharyngeal carcinoma, focusing on its epidemiology, risk factors, and clinical presentation. The role of human papillomavirus (HPV) will be explored, given its strong association with cancers in the oropharyngeal region. Diagnostic approaches, staging, and patient outcomes will also be covered in this course.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Identify risk factors associated with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
  • Recognize the clinical presentation of patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
  • Understand the implications of HPV in terms of clinical outcomes and management.
Section Title
A review of minimally invasive procedures in managing dental caries in children
Webinar - Live
9:00PM to 10:30PM
May 12, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $75.00
Section Notes

A review of minimally invasive procedures in managing dental caries in children

Interestingly, dentists who treat dental caries in children are increasingly understanding that cutting tooth structure with a handpiece is not always an imperative. Only 5% of all procedures performed on children are restorations requiring the use of a handpiece. This course will review several approaches to managing caries in children that do not require the use of a handpiece including: fluoride varnish, silver diamine fluoride, Hall crowns, resin infiltration, and fissure sealants. Additionally, challenges associated with case selection and treatment plan development will be discussed. Subsequent to completing the course, the participant should be equipped to manage caries in children in a manner that minimizes the removal of tooth structure by utilizing a dental handpiece.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Discuss the use of fluoride varnish in managing non-cavitated and cavitated lesions in children.
  • Recognize the appropriateness and technique of using silver diamine fluoride to stabilize carious lesions in pre-cooperative children.
  • Acknowledge the potential role of the Hall crown technique in managing caries in children.
  • Employ resin infiltration to treat incipient proximal lesions in both the primary and permanent dentition.
  • Distinguish between the use of sealants as a primary preventive agent versus as an early therapeutic agent in managing non-cavitated enamel lesions.
  • Discuss barriers to the implementation of biologically conservative techniques in managing early stage carious lesions.
Section Title
Antiresorptive Medications and MRONJ
Webinar - Live
9:00PM to 10:30PM
May 13, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $75.00
Section Notes

Antiresorptive Medications and MRONJ

This presentation provides an overview of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ) and Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ), focusing on understanding its types, definitions, causes, and management strategies. Participants will learn to identify and describe the three primary types of ONJ and the core elements that define MRONJ. Dr. Beals will cover the indications for antiresorptive medications, exploring the mechanisms of action for drugs like Denosumab and Bisphosphonates, and detailing both anabolic and anti-catabolic medication categories. Additionally, the presentation will cover the pathophysiology, stages, and predisposing factors of MRONJ, providing a solid foundation for understanding its progression and impact. It will also address treatment goals, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) guidelines, and local wound care practices that promote healing.
Participants will examine the "4 Ds" of antiresorptive therapy, the delayed dosing protocol, and specialized decision-making tools, such as the extraction and MRONJ decision trees for Complex Dental Management and Assessment (CDMA) cases. Through these elements, the presentation aims to equip learners with practical strategies and evidence-based approaches for managing MRONJ in clinical settings.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Identify and describe Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ) and Medication-Related ONJ (MRONJ).
  • Explain the mechanisms of action and therapeutic uses of medication involved in managing Osteonecrosis of the Jaw, ONJ, including antieresorptive and anabolic agents.
  • Discuss antiresorptive therapy and its guidelines.
  • Recognize predisposing factors and treatment goals in MRONJ.
  • Apply decision-making tools for extraction and MRONJ.
Section Title
Advanced digital dentistry | Techniques, quality assurance & innovations
Webinar - Live
9:00PM to 10:30PM
May 15, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $75.00
Section Notes

Advanced digital dentistry | Techniques, quality assurance & innovations

This presentation explores the latest advancements in digital dentistry, focusing on intraoral scanning techniques, quality assessment, and effective communication with dental labs. Additionally, it delves into innovative applications in sports dentistry and implant-protected occlusion to ensure optimal patient outcomes.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Describe advanced intraoral scanning techniques and their impact on digital impressions.
  • Assess the quality and accuracy of intraoral scans using established evaluation criteria.
  • Explain the components of effective digital lab workflows and communication strategies for predictable outcomes
  • Identify the latest innovations in sports dentistry and their applications for enhancing athletic performance and protection.
  • Discuss strategies for implant-protected occlusion and the role of digital planning in achieving successful clinical outcomes.
Section Title
Er:YAG and CO2 laser dental applications
Webinar - Live
9:00PM to 10:30PM
May 21, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $75.00
Section Notes

Er:YAG and CO2 laser dental applications

This presentation will focus on two different wavelengths of all-tissue lasers: Er:YAG and CO2. Tissue interactions will be compared for each wavelength and supported by clinical cases. Techniques highlighted will include restorative dentistry and surgical procedures.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Understand the physics, tissue interaction, and operation of 2 all-tissue lasers.
  • Describe the similarities and differences of Er:YAG and CO2 lasers.
  • Compare outcomes of laser-tissue interactions with traditional techniques.
Section Title
Artificial intelligence and CBCT: Bye, bye radiologists?
Webinar - Live
12:00PM to 1:30PM
May 30, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $75.00
Section Notes

Artificial intelligence and CBCT: Bye, bye radiologists?

Explore how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) and its impact on dentomaxillofacial radiology. This lecture will break down the basics of AI, demonstrate its role in improving image interpretation, and highlight future trends that could reshape healthcare, especially in diagnostics. We’ll also discuss how AI should influence decisions when adopting new CBCT technology.
Come and join us in this exciting discussion on the future of dentistry and the transformative role of AI in CBCT.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Break down how artificial intelligence works and how it’s being used in 3D dental imaging and understand how it could fit into your practice.
  • Gain an understanding of how AI improves accuracy and efficiency when interpreting dental scans.
Section Title
Dental trauma: Evidence-based approaches for optimal care
Webinar - Live
12:00PM to 2:00PM
Jun 07, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $99.00
Section Notes

Dental trauma: Evidence-based approaches for optimal care

This 2-hour continuing dental education (CDE) course aims to provide dental practitioners with a practical, evidence-based approach to managing various types of dental trauma. The course will cover the classification, diagnosis, and management of dental injuries, focusing on best practices for immediate and long-term care. Participants will gain insights into the latest techniques and materials used in trauma management, improving patient outcomes.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Accurately diagnose different types of dental trauma, including enamel fractures, luxation injuries, and avulsions, using appropriate clinical and radiographic examination techniques.
  • Develop and implement effective treatment plans for the immediate management of dental trauma in a general practice setting, including the use of splinting, replantation, and restorative options.
  • Apply preventive strategies to reduce the incidence of dental trauma in patients, emphasizing patient education, the use of mouthguards, and community safety measures.
  • Recognize and manage complications associated with dental trauma, such as pulp necrosis, root resorption, and infection, and understand the indications for referral to a specialist.
Section Title
Surgically facilitated orthodontics: Essential techniques & principles
Webinar - Live
9:00PM to 10:30PM
Jun 10, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $75.00
Section Notes

Surgically facilitated orthodontics: Essential techniques & principles

This lecture provides an in-depth exploration of the fundamentals of surgically facilitated orthodontic therapy, designed for dental professionals aiming to enhance their clinical practice. Participants will delve into the core principles and essential techniques that underpin this surgical approach, which combines surgical procedures with orthodontic treatment to achieve elevated patient outcomes. The session will cover key topics such as treatment planning, patient selection, and the integration of surgical and orthodontic modalities. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the indications, benefits, and potential complications of these procedures, equipping them with the knowledge to effectively incorporate surgically facilitated orthodontics into their practice.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Understand the fundamental principles of surgically facilitated orthodontic therapy.
  • Identify and apply various surgical techniques and materials used in surgically facilitated orthodontic therapy.
  • Evaluate the indications and contraindications for surgically facilitated orthodontic procedures.
  • Integrate surgical and orthodontic treatment plans to enhance patient outcomes.
  • Collaborate effectively with interdisciplinary teams to optimize patient care.
Section Title
Revamping your treatment plan presentation skills
Webinar - Live
9:00PM to 10:30PM
Jun 10, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fees non-credit $75.00
Section Notes

Revamping your treatment plan presentation skills

How are your treatment plan presentation skills? Do you know how to create the environment to present treatment plans that will lead to case acceptance? What is your biggest challenge regarding treatment plan presentation? In this course, Dr. Rambob will share strategies to effectively engage with your patients, helping you understand their needs, desires, expectations, questions, and objections. These insights will enable you to navigate the treatment plan presentation process successfully, using techniques drawn from marketing, negotiation, neuroscience, and shared decision-making.

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
  • Understand the patients’ journey as they seek dental care.
  • Anticipate and deal with patients’ objections.
  • Customize their treatment plan presentations based on the patients’ preferences, needs and expectations to increase case acceptance.
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