
Course Description

In collaboration with LandView Drones, Extended Learning is excited to bring this Ag Drone School to Prince Edward Island!

Ag Drone School deals with every aspect of productive, safe, and legal use of remotely piloted aerial systems by farmers & agronomists. From your first takeoff to completely autonomous mapping in two days, this ag drone school is suitable for all experience levels. From teenagers to retired agronomists, from government environmental agency staff to ag-tech entrepreneurs. You don't even need to have a drone -- only about ¼ of attendees already have a remote piloted aircraft system (RPAS). Many are just taking the course because they want to learn about it before purchasing anything.

Course Outline

Fly Safely
•    Flight training suitable for complete beginners
•    From first takeoff to autonomous mapping
•    Learn to fly using our fleet of drones
Fly Legally
•    Basic RPAS ground school: air law, drone systems, theory of flight, human factors, meteorology, navigation, and maintenance
•    Take the Transport Canada online test and leave with your Basic Pilot’s Certificate 
Save Time & Make Money
•    Two full days of hands-on learning, flight practice & real-world farm and ranch uses
•    Beyond pretty pictures & video, you’ll learn how to create accurate hi-res maps of fields
•    New: intro to spraying or cover-crop spreading
•    Demystifying the remote-sensing jargon: NDVI, multispectral, thermal, LiDAR

What You Will Learn

Topics covered include:
•    Introduction to Remote Sensing of Vegetation
•    NDVI and other vegetative indexes
•    Data accuracy: sensor types and calibration
•    Future of crop imaging ... hyperspec, thermal, machine learning
•    From fly to apply: software workflows
•    Use cases: the many uses of drones on farms
•    Knowledge Requirements for Small Basic Operations
•    Air law, air traffic rules and procedures
•    RPAS airframes, power plants, propulsion and systems
•    Human factors
•    Meteorology
•    Navigation
•    Flight operations
•    Theory of flight
•    Radiotelephony
•    Intro to spraying by drones


Robin Harrison - Based near Viking, Alberta, Robin brings over 20 years of agricultural sector experience in ag retail, crop consulting, soil sampling, and plant tissue sampling.  He managed crop consulting services for up to 80,000 acres annually. Since 2015, Robin has been flying drones professionally for agricultural mapping, gaining expertise with a variety of aircraft and now holding an Advanced Certificate with Flight Reviewer Rating, making him a key asset in both regulatory and agricultural drone operations for LandView.

Charlie Turcotte is the owner/operator of Valley Precision Ag, a licensed drone pilot, and flight reviewer with a rich background in agriculture. Formerly a cereal and oilseed farmer in western Canada, Charlie transitioned to Nova Scotia eight years ago, immersing himself in the local agriculture industry. His extensive experience and dedication have positioned him as a valuable contributor, and he's been collaborating with LandView to deliver drone courses in Nova Scotia, sharing his expertise with those looking to harness the potential of agricultural drones for precision agriculture.
Enrol Now - Select a section to enrol in
Section Title
Ag Drone School PEI
Class - Face-to-Face
Thursday, Friday
9:00AM to 4:30PM
Apr 24, 2025 to Apr 25, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Offsite Campus
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $590.00
Section Notes

Registration deadline is April 21st, 2025! 

Registration fee includes lunch each day of the course.

Tuition is refunded if a course is cancelled by Extended Learning. Tuition is also refunded if the participant notifies Extended Learning of their withdraw from the course, in writing, at extended.learning@dal.ca, at least one week prior to the start date.

Extended Learning reserves the right to cancel the course at any time, in which case a full refund would be provided.

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