
Course Description

This online course is 36 learning hours over twelve weeks, including 7.5 hours of live online sessions. It is recommended that students spend a minimum of 3 hours each week on coursework. Students may choose to complete more hours of work on the course in order to explore the content in more depth.

This highly interactive course includes journaling, teamwork, and online discussions to enable active learning. It requires deep thinking in order to help you become consciously aware of and articulate clearly about ethics, as well as about your personal ethics and values, ethical dilemmas, and ethical decision-making models. This course focuses on practically relating these learnings to your working life, whether this is in a private business or public service context.

Course Outline

  • Introduction to Morals and Ethics
  • Exploring Ethical Dilemmas
  • Theories of Ethics: Dominant Ethical Theories
  • Theories of Ethics: Ethical Decision-Making Models
  • Professionalism
  • The Relevance of Ethics in your work
  • Ethical Decision-Making in a Professional Capacity
  • Ethics and Leadership
  • Codes, Oaths, Policies, and Governance
  • Explore the Approach of Various Professions to Ethics
  • The Ethical Organization
  • Review

What You Will Learn

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Define fundamental moral and ethical theory.
  • Apply ethical decision-making to both their personal lives and professional practice.
  • Discuss ethical decision-making in applied, real-world context.
  • Describe the relationship between ethics and professionalism.
  • Identify organizational integrity.


Ethical Decision-MakingThis course provides learners with the opportunity to earn a microcredential. A microcredential is evidence of a skill or competency that is employment related. Dalhousie microcredentials are developed in collaboration with employers, industries, and/or organizations that relate to the content.Program Design A microcredential can be displayed on social media pages, digital resumes, personal webpages, and in email signatures. To earn the microcredential in this course, learners will need to successfully complete a competency-based assessment.

Learn more about this Leadership microcredential on our website.


Please contact openlearning@dal.ca for more information.

The Faculty of OLCD recommends an intermediate level of English language proficiency for the most effective learning and participation in our online and face-to-face courses. A list of minimum recommended scores on some common English tests can be found on our website. If you have questions about your English language proficiency and ability to succeed in this course, please contact openlearning@dal.ca.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Recommended For

This course is recommended for:

  • Seasoned, experienced, leaders who wish to revitalize their thinking on ethics and ethics in the workplace
  • Aspiring or newly appointed leaders and managers in public or private sector organizations of all sizes
  • People with responsibility for managing internal and external conflicts of interest
  • Anybody in a position of trust within their organization
  • Consultants, advisors, coaches, mentors, HR professionals and others who can benefit from a robust understanding of ethics


"I would absolutely recommend this course to others. I found the blend of self-paced learning with scheduled online sessions to be a great combination. The course is well laid out and easy to follow. Dr. Messenger does a great job leading the online sessions, keeping everyone engaged."

~ Jim Miller

Enrol Now - Select a section to enrol in
Section Title
PGDip Ethics in Action
Class - Face-to-Face
Monday, Tuesday
1:00PM to 5:00PM
Oct 07, 2024 to Oct 08, 2024
Class - Face-to-Face
Tuesday, Wednesday
1:00PM to 5:00PM
Oct 15, 2024 to Oct 16, 2024
Class - Face-to-Face
Monday, Tuesday
1:00PM to 5:00PM
Oct 21, 2024 to Oct 29, 2024
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fee non-credit $1,045.00
Reading List / Textbook
All course content will be found with OpenDal.
Section Notes

This section is exclusive to Non-credit Diploma in Professional and Leadership Studies Program students and will take place on the Dalhousie campus with face to face instruction. With an emphasis on groupwork and presentations, students will develop the crucial leadership skills of collaboration and effective communication.  Enrolments in this section will be completed by the program administrator. For more information email: openlearning@dal.ca.

Section Title
Ethics in Action
Online - Self-Paced
Jan 10, 2025 to Apr 04, 2025
Online - Scheduled
5:00PM to 6:30PM
Jan 22, 2025 to Mar 19, 2025
Schedule and Location
Total Learning Hours
  • Online Campus - Atlantic Time
Instruction Delivery Method(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fee non-credit $1,095.00
Required Software
A webcam and microphone/headset will be required for the live sessions. This course requires a Dalhousie NetID. If you do not currently have a NetID, a NetID will be assigned to you, and—after registration—you will receive an email on how to claim your account. Once you have claimed your account, you will login to the Student Portal under the heading "I have a NetID Username and Password" on the far left of the login screen.
Section Notes

Note: We are closed from December 24, 2024 to January 1, 2025 inclusive. Access credentials to the course site may be delayed for those who enrol during this time period.

This course has scheduled written assignments and discussions within the term time frame. There will also be 5 facilitated online sessions - click on View Details for dates. *Please note: live session dates and times may change, and will be finalized 6 weeks prior to course start date.* 

The course site will be open at 4:00 PM Atlantic Time on the course start date.

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