
Course Description

This course is 36 learning hours including the 9 hours of live sessions.  It is recommended that learners spend approximately 4 hours per week on this course, including the 1.5 hour live session.


In this course we will review the range of emotional responses and behavioural implications associated with a variety of career transitions. Learners will gain the knowledge and skills used to identify and assist with the specific challenges facing adults who are experiencing a career transition. Topics include handling loss and change, problem-solving, decision-making and building self-esteem. The transitions discussed in this course will be career change and retraining, job loss and unemployment, school to work, and work to retirement.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Career Transitions
  • Module 2: Exploring Emotions
  • Module 3: Other Variables Affecting Transitions
  • Module 4: Engaging Clients Experiencing Job Transition
  • Module 5: Putting it All Together

What You Will Learn

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • explore how individuals experience transitions
  • identify the impact on different types of career transitions
  • explore the stages of grief
  • recognize the stages of job loss grief
  • discuss the emotions related to prolonged job loss
  • discuss the additional variables that impact how individuals respond to job loss and job transition
  • practice engagement with clients who have just graduated using recognition of grief stages
  • review how job loss affects unique populations
  • create a tool box of resources
  • explore ways to start client engagement
  • demonstrate techniques for active listening
  • practice supporting clients


For assistance or more information, please contact openlearning@dal.ca.

Recommended For

  • individuals working in the field of career development or employment services
  • individuals interested in expanding their skills around career services (i.e. those in counselling, HR, community organizations, and more)
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