Course Description
Medical emergencies can happen anywhere, and all dental professionals should be able to recognize and manage many common scenarios. This course is designed to give the entire dental team the knowledge and skills to approach medical emergencies that could occur in your practice. A unique feature of the course is the opportunity for hands-on training using simulators.
NOTE: This course meets the Provincial Dental Board of Nova Scotia requirements for the medical emergency certification required for every three-year cycle.
Important Notice
- You can choose to take the lecture only (AM session) or register for the whole day: Lecture (AM session) and hands-on (PM session).
- The lecture (AM session) is presented in a hybrid model; you can choose to take it in-person or online (Please choose only one option, in-person OR online).
- If you register for the virtual session, you will be provided with a MS Teams link to the course.
- You will be provided with pre-course reading material. This material will be available on Brightspace, about a month prior to the in-person sessions. You will receive notification with instruction on how to access the pre-course material.
- Participants who register for the full day will have a test at the end of the course prior to receiving their certificates.
What You Will Learn
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Get tips on interpreting medical tests and analyzing medical records.
- Review relevant drugs and their interactions.
- Emergency equipment you should have in your office.
- Review normal and abnormal vital signs, and features of common emergencies.
- Hands-on practice with emergency equipment.
- Simulator-based learning of high-yield scenarios.
Laurel Murphy, MD, FRCP(C), Chris Lee, DDS, MSc, GPR, Darryl Chickness, CCP(F)
Dr. Laurel Murphy practises as an emergency physician at the Halifax Infirmary. She completed medical school at the University of Toronto and residency training in emergency medicine at Dalhousie University. She is currently completing a fellowship in Critical Care Medicine, also at Dalhousie.
Dr. Chris Lee completed a MSc in pharmacology at the University of Ottawa before attending dental school at Dalhousie University. He completed a general practice residency program at Vancouver General Hospital and he practised in Ottawa before returning to Nova Scotia to design and implement a GPR program at the Faculty of Dentistry and run the emergency dental clinic. He is a consultant to the National Dental Examining Board of Canada.
Darryl Chickness is a critical care flight paramedic with air and ground ambulance and emergency department experience. He is co-owner of Frontline Medical Training and Consulting Inc., which specializes in advanced education programs, such as Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support and trauma programs. In 2005, Chickness founded a medical charity called Bandage International, which provides education to the general public and hospitals so that they can be self-sustainable and treat their own.