
Course Description

Improve your knowledge and skill in the application of pesticides with an emphasis on the equipment and chemicals used in landscaping.

This course has been approved as NS Environment course numbers T2299, and T2269. Eligible course participants will be awarded 7.0 continuing education points (CEP) .The point breakdown by topic is as follows:

• 0.5 point in General Information

• 2.5 points in Environmental

• 0.5 point in Human Health & Safety

• 2.5 points in Regulation

• 1.0 point in Pest Management

Course Outline

This course covers the following topics:

• Latest technologies available from industry

• Bio-stimulants in pest management

• Review of provincial and federal legislation and updates

• Environmental protection and pesticides

• Herbicide resistance 


NS Pesticide Continuing Education Program
If you are a licensed pesticide applicator, you can accumulate Pesticide Continuing Education Points (CEPs) over a five-year period through approved training sessions such as this one. Once you have obtained 15 CEP (no more than 10 per year), you are no longer required to write the pesticide applicator’s exam every five years.
For more information on pesticide continuing education, please contact the appropriate government administration in your province.

Course Instructors
Glen Sampson has a Bachelor of Science (Agr.) in Plant Protection and a Master of Science in Agronomy. He was an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at NSAC specializing in Weed Science, Plant Pathology and Pest Management from 1983 to 2009.  His teaching responsibilities included Pest Management and Weed Science at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. His research has specialized in ecologically-based weed management in the context of integrated pest management and has always addressed current issues faced by the agricultural industry in Atlantic Canada. He is a leader in the area of biological weed control utilizing fungi and insects in the Atlantic.

Dr. Scott White holds a B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences and a M.Sc. in Agriculture from the Nova Scotia Agricultural College and a Ph.D. in Plant Agriculture from the University of Guelph. He is currently a faculty member at Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture and holds the position of Assistant Professor in Weed Science and Vegetation Management. His current research program focuses on basic and applied aspects of weed science, with the ultimate goal of utilizing basic aspects of plant biology and ecology to improve weed management in wild blueberry production systems. Dr. White regularly contributes to grower meetings, field days, and twilight meetings for the agricultural industry in Atlantic Canada. Dr. White has experience conducting weed management research with perennial weeds, developing predictive plant emergence and phenology models, propagating and conducting controlled experiments with perennial weeds, studying the flowering biology of plants, conducting ecological and demographic studies of weeds, utilizing weed population biology and ecology to develop weed management strategies, and evaluating chemical and non-chemical weed control strategies.

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