
Course Description

This training session for landscapers will focus on sustainable landscape practices, the elements of an integrated weed management approach, pest management practices, pests in the landscape, and pesticide formulations, adjuvants, and tank mixtures.

This course has been approved as NS Environment course numbers T2371 and T2281. Eligible course participants will be awarded 6.0 continuing education points (CEP) in the Nova Scotia Pesticide Continuing Education Program in the following categories: 
•    4.5 pts Pest Management,
•    1.0 pts General Information, 
•    0.5 pts Regulations.

What You Will Learn

  • Factors contributing to a healthy turf,
  • Sustainable landscape practices,
  • Pest management practices,
  • Making pest management decisions,
  • Pest resistance, resurgence, and replacement,
  • Specific examples of pests in the landscape,
  • Pesticide formulations, adjuvants, and tank mixtures.


Participants need to have a current Pesticide Applicator License. Must be presented the morning of the course.


"Glen is the most knowledgeable man in the landscape industry that I've met over my entire 15+ year career"

"Instructor obviously knows his stuff! There wasn't a single question that he couldn't answer"

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